Friday, 2 October 2009

School term start again

Its been about a week dah school reopen after 2 weeks of school holiday term. Lama dah inda mengupdate blog ni pasal banyak kaja kan di buat. Hari raya seems to come to its end dah. Ada jua masih beraya but mostly open house saja la for the families and friends. The first day school reopen dah ku sibuk berabis melatih murid-murid untuk pertandingan koir anti dadah senegara. Langsung nada mengajar. Feel pity plang for my kids arah my class sal gurunya inda dapat mengajar. Very very stressfull berabis la as baru jua sekolah kana buka dah cia ada kaja kan dibuat. But for the sake of the school name and harapan ibubapa arah murid so i don't mind spending a lot of time with my choir teams.

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