Feel bored at a time, so i like to surf and read about HYS in the brudirect, there is this one complaint or luahan hati from this parent which touch my feelings and my adjusment on my courier as an educator. I can't judge based on the truth of this story but we need to see ourself , our own mistake for not to take this as granted for being an educator for our young bruneians who will lead us in the future. "Salam n Hello, does anyone here has a child who is clumsy such as ALWAYS walk and hit things or wall, crash things while holding it and do their school work very slowly, being quite in school etc?? I am so worried coz i have a 6 years old daughter who has this problems. I cried today inside my car after i picked her up from school. Wanna know y i cried? She said she was so hungry and immediately ate the food she bought this morning inside the car. I asked her y u didn’t eat at break time? She said her teacher won’t allowed her to eat n drink coz she didn’t finished her work on time and her teacher told her not to come to school the next day coz she’s stupid U see my daughter is not a naughty child at all. The teacher once told me that i have a very quite child and hard to express herself in her class. I believe my daughter is having a depression or something like that. I am so sad they let her starving all morning and said she is stupid for being slow… Ya Allah! Kasiankanlah anakku aniiii. Apa hak drg buat anakku mcm ani kan? I am so frustrated but i swear if they let her starving again, i have to attack the school once again. Sorry GB, another tears from my children and me cause by the school will force me to take action once again. GB told me before not to over react as in the old days the teachers were more fierce and made us a clever people today but sorry GB, i am a new generation kind of mother. By making my daughter starving is not an excuse at all. Let her eat at break time then allow her to finish her work after that. Pleaseeee forgive me for having a slow learner student. I will bring her to a doctor as soon as possible to have her check. Apa rasa kamu sebagai parent if anak kamu ngadu kelaparan disekulah n kana larang makan minum? Nda kamu sedihkah? Sori ah, aku bukan nya manjakan anak ne p ani kes anak kana paksa kebuluran. Bukan darjah 6 ne p darjah pra. Dah tah damit badannya, menahan lapar g sambil mbuat krajanya. Kawan2nya lain sma cigunya nyaman2 makan n nyiruk2 minuman dlm kelas atu. Eee nah nangis plang ku lehnya lagi…."