Friday, 31 July 2009

Kes membuang stress kaja.

Today I went out with my fiancee to released tensions after a long days of hardworking. Nada jua banyak kan di aga la as rasanya di Brunei ani abis dah kami round. Balik2 we're discuss kemana kan di tuju di Brunei ani but still yet..akhirnya ke da mall jua haha. We're doing survey on the price for the barang hantaran so ialah bargaining on the price and the budgets as usual. After ke Mall we straight away went to the ICC to see the Brunei international expo halal. Inda jua la international banar as i see it. Apa jua ganya 1 yemen booth and 1 chinese booth and the rest as usual, the indonesian and the malaysian booths saja. Sadang jua la interesting nya di sana atu , free goodie bags kana bagi and free food tester keke iatah paling orang ramai suka tu, mun di liat wah sampai balik2 bah merasa and minum,baik jua inda durang menapau membawa kantung pelastik macam arah orang kahwin. hehe tabiat orang ketani dah cematu yang sepatutnya inda tani amalkan. We were a bit suprised as I don't realised that my parents were there at the expo too. So seperti biasa la I asked her to salam with my parents hehe kan membiasa kan wah dengan parents,she still seems a bit with them. We don't bought anything from there except getting a pictures with one of the mascot di sana. Hehe a bit suprise as I was asking my fiancee to get a picture with me and the mascot and suddenly the mascot call out her name. Kekajutan ku tarus wah ia ah mcm mana boleh ia kenal kan tunang ku ani. nda kan scandal nya maskot ani kali keke alamat begusti banar ku sama ia di booth atu hahaha. Sekalinya guessing punya guessing rupanya her neighbours di lambak suspension eyh~. It takes just about an hour and a half kami di sana tu meround because inda jua banyak kan di liat banar.

Wednesday, 29 July 2009

SRAP Staff development

Yesterday staff development for the school is quiet interesting. Teachers were asked to shared their 'petua-petua' on healthy life.Actually the meeting should be held at the Tasek Lama as teacher's outing but unfortunately the weather nda mengizinkan so di sekolah lah saja. A lot of good tips jua di share but mostly untuk perempuan ganya. Nda kan aku kan share jua sampai bagaimana cara share tips "tut" and "tut" hehe (censored la) as the majority of the school teachers here are female. The course was conducted by Cigu Hjh Dzah on healthy tips.

Tuesday, 28 July 2009


I was suprise to read one of the complaints that i found stated about homework given to pupils. Why it should be a big concern for the parents as homework help their children to enhanced their skills and on top of that the parents can follow the progress of their own child at school. Iatah pemalas ni namanya nda mau ingau kan anak,lapas tu di complaint. Some of the words ada jua banar ganya "If" guru atu lebih memberikan homework tetapi nda mencheck keraja durang.

"Askum, minta maap th ku dulu sblum ku bpanjang lebar, kn mengomplen ku sdikit ni..bukan jua apa, ada skulah d lambak kanan a2 bh kn setiap ari mbagi knk2 darjah pra a2 kraja rumah..pikirnya robot kali knk2 a2 stiap mlm kn mbuat homok sja, mau jua kn smalam dua kn brehat mlm2 a2..knk2 jua kali 2 ah, cuba th pkir2 cgu dsana a2, sdg2 mbagi hmok a2..indung pun sangal kn stiap ari mnunggui knk2 mbuat homok, udah th lalah bkas bkrja mnyambung lg d umah mlm2 mnunggui ank mbuat hmok, bukn plng apa, indung th tahan, mun knk2 nda tahan, ksian jua ktani mliat durng mrungut mbuat stiap mlm sampai antuk2 mbuat..last2 indung mnyambungkn hmoknya mun udh ank ttdur tdur mbuat, skalinya mbagi lg kdg2 byk 2..hrp2 cgu2 dsana 2 pndai2 th mbagi homok pada waktu2 yg sesuai, mcm mlm jumat a2 kh, mlm minggu kh, bealat-alat arinya bh.. durng knk2 a2 baru stat bljar, bpada-pada mbagi homok a2..k a2 sja, sja kn mluahkn rasa rungutan bagi pihak ank2ku..huh~ minta maap lg skali.."

New Catalan Boy..

Yes! its official! new catalan's boy Ibrahimovic complete his transfer deal from Inter Milan to Barcelona FC. I would love to see this man combine his inspirational skill with the young maradonna Lionel Messi. Guess Ronaldo should be aware of who will be his contender in the spanish league this season. haha. That traitor!!

Monday, 27 July 2009

Kaching! kaching!

Waahhh hari yang selalu di nanti2 kan oleh orang hahah..bebaris bah org dapan ATM ah nda tah ku jadi kan mencheck usin. This is being a habit for Bruneians nowadays as every end of the month people are waiting for their salaries. Telling the truth life in Brunei is not that easier as what people say about our country. Daily life here is higher than what has been expected, but life has to go on for us to survive in this world.

Sunday, 26 July 2009


Love to watch this movie sequel eventhou balik2 di liat pun masih jua nda bored. Wonder how technologies can bring this robot to life. breathe taking graphics and great actions makes the movie on top of my list.

A new chapter in life

Its almost 28 years since i was born to this world and still i have to go through a lot of hurdle in life. Now here and forever are the first blog that i can write and describe the pathways of my life. Experience in life taught me how to overcome myself and goes to the right directions. Families,love one and friends make mylife fruitfull of memoirs. Alhamdulilah~ i become mature day by day in handling myself and hopefully the pathway that i remain now will lead to a way that every man in the earth dream of.